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Menominee County Fair

Fair Booths

Opening / Introduction

When I was asked to speak to all of you today I did what any good presenter would do – I Googled ‘how to set up speaking notes for a presentation’ so that everything flowed nicely together - see I tend to rant and get off topic so I wanted to make sure for your sake I don’t go off script and stick to the timeline.  Everything I found online said to start with establishing credibility which included my work experience and educational background because this information would convince the audience (you) that not only am I qualified to speak to you today but that I am deserving of your attention and time.

Well, that’s just NOT who I am.  And I personally don’t think any one person’s work experience or educational background should be the defining factor in whether you can learn from someone else’s life.  Don’t get me wrong – I am extremely proud of my achievements, which you may hear about later on, but those achievements are not what defines me.

So instead, let me share with you some of my ups and downs that led me to where I am today.  And my hope that is you can relate or identify with some of my wins and my struggles and reflect on where you’ve been, where you currently are, and where you want to be.  And to know that yes - anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.

About Me

So Hi!  I’m Anne Van (yes it doesn’t get much easier than that), I am 40 years old.  I’m married to a retired Marine who served his country for 25 years.  We’ve been married 4 years and thanks to COVID-19 it was a done outside of the county jail by a judge and our reception was at a rest stop with a 6-pack of beer brewed from the brewery we were supposed to have our ceremony at.  We have a blended family with a total of 3 adult children ages 22, 19 and 18 who as of this fall, will all be in college attending a separate University of Wisconsin school.  We have a small hobby farm - Van Acres Homestead.  What started out as 12 chickens turned into 40.  And what started out as 2 sheep turned into 2 sheep plus 13 goats.  I know they call it chicken math, but it’s wife math.  Happy wife, happy life, right?

I grew up a military brat. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, a military brat pertains to children who grew up in military families. "Brats" wear the name like a badge of honor, often because of the moves, stressors and cultural experiences that make them more resilient than their civilian counterparts.  Outside of the military, the word brat is often considered derogative so if you ever hear that term being used it’s not a bad thing.

My Dad and Mom both served in the Marine Corps.  I was born in California, lived in Cuba and was raised in Eastern North Carolina.  I’ve lived in Wisconsin for 4 years and truly feel this where I was always meant to be.  Although, most people think I am crazy because the very second the temperature outside gets colder I start wishing for snow.

In addition to our hobby farm my husband and I are brand partners with FITTEAM, a health and fitness company that offers various products and programs to support individuals in achieving their goals.  We promote nutritional supplements designed to enhance physical performance, support weight management and provide overall wellness benefits. On most weekends I run races traveling all over Wisconsin.  In fact, I ran a 5k last night and have a 10k trail run tomorrow morning.  I am a certified group fitness instructor leading various strength and resistance classes at the YMCA.  We have a health and wellness website where we provide coaching and support to individuals looking to make positive lifestyle changes.

And oh by the way, I also work a full time job outside of the home.

Find a Mentor or Person of Influence

Have you ever had someone walk into your life at exactly the right moment?  Someone who left such a profound and lasting impact on you?  That person for me is Regena Cooper.   Regena Cooper was the Behavioral Health Director for an organization I worked for.  She had a position open up in her department and reached out to me because she thought it would be a perfect fit for me.  The job was in Suicide Prevention and Combat and Operational Stress.

My first response to her was “I don’t have a degree.”  She said, “You don’t need one when you have the experience and work ethic.”  I knew I had the work ethic… but experience??  I’ve never worked in behavioral health before so I figured she didn’t have the full scoop on my background.  When I mentioned to her that I also didn’t have the experience she said, “Well don’t you work for Marines, Sailors and their families providing them with available resources that will assist them in navigating the military lifestyle?”  I replied, “Well yea, but suicide and combat and operational stress is a serious matter…” and she went on to ask, “Aren’t you accustomed to the every day stressors a military family faces, in addition to common stressors every young person faces?” To this I said, “Well, yea…“ and before I knew it she gave me the job - a well paying job I thought I didn’t deserve - and I embarked on a new career journey I was sure I knew nothing about.

I read books, I took classes, attended seminars and conferences across the country to learn as much as I could.  I even became a certified facilitator in ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.   I was basically given an opportunity most people don’t get so I wanted to prove that I was worthy of it.  I began traveling up and down the east coast visiting every Marine Corps Recruiting Station east of the Mississippi delivering workshops to Marines and their families.  I even saved a few lives.  But this is not the part of Regena’s impact I want to share with you.  During this time I was going through a divorce.  I was about to become a single mother to a 6-year old little boy, living in South Carolina, 6-hours away from my family and hometown.  I knew that if I ever left this job to move back home my options would be extremely limited.    It was dumb luck that Regena wanted to hire.  But without a degree, without that piece of paper that provides a step in the door in most organizations, I knew I may never grow professionally.  I started looking into college.  I couldn’t afford it nor did I have the time for it.  I also didn’t know the first steps into making it happen so I did nothing.  Until one day Regena overheard me at work telling someone that I wanted to go to college but I didn’t think I would be able to actually do it.  The next day I went into work Regena called me to her desk and asked me if I wanted to go to college.  I told her I did and then immediately proceeded to give her all the reasons I couldn’t and she cut me off and asked me the same question again.  I’m positive the face I made was like, ‘uhhhh, I just answered that… why are you asking me again?’ But I answered her again with a “Yes” and she stopped me before any other words came out of my mouth.  She told me that I had 8 hours - a full work day - to do what I needed to do to to get registered for college.  I tried explaining all my worries of why it wouldn’t work and she said, “Well it won’t work with that kind of thinking.  Get registered for school.  Fill out the forms.  Ask me for help when you need it.  But by the time the work day is over, I want you registered for school.”

I walked away thinking that at some point in my day something would pop up that would truly make me ineligible for school - like the lack of money for one thing.  But I stand here today proud to say that by the end if that day I was enrolled in Park University. And 4 years later…. I graduated with my first Bachelor of Science in Cultural, Organizational and Institutional Social Psychology. One year later I missed school so much I decided to enroll again and less than two years after that, I received my second Bachelor of Science in Business Management Marketing.

I am not giving Regena all the credit.  Although she was definitely a force in my life that showed up like a fairy godmother exactly when I needed her - even though I didn’t know it at the time.  But Regena would have never sought me out if I hadn’t already made a name for myself in the organization.

Surround yourself with the right people

I’ve always been a hard worker.  I give 110% to just about everything I do.  Except cooking. I hate cooking.  I give as little as possible in the kitchen.  Just ask my husband.

When it came to online school, working full time, and being a single mom, I had to work really, really hard.  I had to make sacrifices that most people my age did not want to make.  After four years of churning out papers and long nights of reading and responding to discussions I graduated Magna Cum Laud.  The day I held that degree in my hand I knew I was capable of achieving anything I set my mind on.  This was a game changer. However, the downside of this revelation was that my friend group started to shrink.  I no longer had tolerance for people who made excuses.  I didn’t want to be around people who blamed everyone but themselves for their short comings. Now, before you start thinking I just tossed long-time friends aside I did try and be their cheerleader.  I encouraged them.  I even offered to help them with whatever they claimed they wanted in life.  When I realized I wanted them to achieve these things more than they did, and that they just liked the idea of bettering themselves rather than actually doing the work to better themselves, I knew I could be no benefit to them and they would add no value to my life.  Over the course of time, we simply went our separate ways.

I know each of us in the room right now knows someone like this.  They always “want” to do this or that; they want to save more money, workout or run a 5k, lose weight, read more, etc.  You’ve probably heard this for years and sadly, they still haven’t done anything about it or even take the steps necessary to begin on that path. After a while when this person says things you’ve stopped listening or you just nod your head and respond with an “uh huh” because you know they won’t actually do anything about it.  These are probably the same people who try and get you off your path.  They come up with excuses like “Oh you can do that later” or “it’s OK to miss one day.”  While these are probably long-time friends or family members, I am here to tell you it’s OK to pull yourself away from them.  Ask yourself what you want.  What are your dreams, desires, aspirations and goals?  Now ask yourself if this person would support you in achieving them?  Would they understand that you need to do X, Y or Z to achieve them and that means you wouldn’t be available to them like you once were?  If you asked them to help you achieve it or to help hold you accountable would they do it?  If the answer is no, then you need to remove their influence from your circle.  I promise there are people out there who want to cheer you on and support you.  They may even ask for your support to reach their goals in return.  These are the people you want to surround yourself with.

Remember, everyone is going through something

Have you ever been somewhere and heard someone yell or be rude to a cashier?  Maybe you held a door open for someone with their hands full and they just walked on by without smiling, nodding or even giving you a thank you.  You probably mumbled under your breath about them being a - you know what - or you allowed their actions to put you in a bad mood.  When we are going through our day to day, it’s hard to remember that other people are just like us and they might be dealing with something they aren’t able to cope with.  Maybe the person yelling at the cashier had to leave work early to go pick up her sick kid from daycare and now she loses a day of pay and she’s already behind on rent.  Maybe the person you held the door for just had to put the family pet down and now has to tell their kids that Sparky isn’t coming home.  Does their behavior excuse their actions?  No.  But when we remember that other people might be going through something it allows us to give them some grace for their behavior.

At 17 I was diagnosed with BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  This makes sense considering in middle and high school I dealt with anorexia and bulimia.  I’ve had chronic back pain since I was 18 and off and on opioids for years to mask the pain.  My first husband had a 6 month long affair after I gave birth to our son.  At 26 or 27 I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression and was put on medication.  I wasn’t even 30 yet and I had a host of issues.  For two years in my 30s I was on food assistance trying to make ends meet.  I met and married a wonderful man and then was thrust from a family of 2 into a family of 5 having very different parenting styles.  During COVID I moved halfway across the country leaving my hometown, my career and friends while my mom was dying of cancer; I was at work the day I got the call that she passed away at home.  A year later my mother-in-law passed unexpectedly.  But I didn’t have to go through all of that alone.  While my husband and friends are always there for me, one thing I am a huge advocate for is seeking professional help when you need it.

I have been going to therapy off and on since I was 17 years old.  That’s 23 years.  And I am here to tell you there is no shame, nor should you ever be embarrassed, in seeking out professional help.  There is a misconception about therapy. Most people think you need to suffer from a mental disorder in order to benefit from therapy,  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Anyone can benefit from therapy.  Therapy can help you manage life’s varied challenges to live a more fulfilled life.  It can help you understand what you are feeling, why you are feeling that way and how to cope.  Just like a regular wellness exam with your doctor or seeing the dentist every 6 months, meeting with a therapist from time to time can help keep your mental health in order.

The only thing therapy hasn’t helped me with is what my husband calls an an “unhealthy” addiction to Amazon.  I personally find it therapeutic to see the Amazon driver pull up in our driveway every other day.  :)

Van Acres and Van Family Fit

I mentioned that my husband and I have a hobby farm LLC and a health and wellness business. We started the hobby farm 3 years ago and the health and wellness business at the beginning of this year. Starting these businesses wasn’t something we planned.  It just kind of happened.  Our hobbies turned into passions which eventually turned into starting up our own businesses.

As most people in the ag industry know - hobby farming is not a lucrative business. And according to the health and wellness industry is currently worth 5.6 trillion, and is expected to grow to 8.4 trillion by 2027.  That just means the health and wellness industry is saturated with thousands of products and programs ranging from the internationally known to the locally-owned.

So why did we decide to start these businesses and adding to our already busy lives? Through Van Acres and Van Family Fit we are able to make an impact in our community.

Van Acres

We sell eggs - that’s the easy part.  And people stop by all the time to visit the animals.  I always have a Costco-sized jug of animal crackers ready for the next visitor.  Jason and I can be outside doing yard work when a family will show up.  We’ll stop what we are doing, talk to the family, let the kids feed and pet the goats.

The local schools in our area require students to complete service hours in order to graduate.  We offer volunteer opportunities for students to come out and work on the farm.  Girl Scout groups seek us out to come earn badges and learn about caring for livestock.  Our last group that visited got to watch us sheer one of the sheep, trim goat hooves and administer vaccinations to the new babies.

We also hire our goats and sheep out for vegetation and brush management.  They work both residential and large operations.  For instance, 8 of our group have been on Renard Island in Green Bay for the past two months.  The other 7, two does and their kids, are at our home doing vegetation management for us and eagerly awaiting the next visitors.

Van Family Fit

We created Van Family Fit after joining FITTEAM as brand ambassadors.  We strive to create a community that promotes accountability, positivity and a shared commitment to wellness.  In addition to teaching at the YMCA, I also provide 30-45 minute FREE community workouts at a local park once a week for anyone who wants to join.  We want people to know that health and wellness isn’t about having a fancy gym membership, doing intense hour-long workouts 5 days a week or limiting your diet to rabbit food only.  It’s about your physical health, mental health, preventing illness, improving your quality of life and self-esteem. We help others set goals, find ways to make small changes in their current lifestyle to help them achieve a healthier lifestyle. And when people start to feel the difference one small change has made, they are ready to make another small change.  Then their small changes bleed over into their relationships (friends and family) in helping others make small changes too.  And before you know it we will have an entire community advocating for living a healthier and more meaningful life.

We even sponsor two teams for the Greenville Youth Sports little league.  This past Wednesday we attended the championship game where our FITTEAM Boys Major Team took home the win!

Work Life Balance

That leads me into my last topic: work-life balance.  What’s that?  I’m just kidding.  With as much as we’ve got going on in our lives, it never really feels overwhelming.  It’s just part of life.  But I am going to let you in on a secret of how to create a work-life balance.  And it can be achieved by following these 15 easy steps…. Just kidding.

What if I told you it only takes 3 easy steps?  Personally, that’s still 2 more steps than I have time for.

All you have to do is keep a family calendar.  And by keep I mean actually update and use.  It took me a while to actually find a calendar that works for us but now that I have we could not live without it.  Everything we do goes into the calendar.  From doctors appointments, hair appointments, workouts, special events, kids things, and things that pertain to our full time jobs that are after normal working hours.  Our calendar allows us to tag ourselves individually or together. If it’s for both if us the app will send a notification to the other person asking them to accept it.  It even let’s us book “dates” and if it notices we haven’t had a date in a while we will both get messages reminding us to schedule one.  I will even schedule conversations regarding topics I know we need to discuss - like the businesses, family meetings before a vacation, what we have going on in the next couple of weeks.  It’s easy to say how overwhelmed or busy you are but when you put things down on a calendar and see a lot of white space - ie time that is not booked - you realize you aren’t as busy as you make it out to be and use that time to do whatever you need to get done.  This is usually the time I relax and/or take care of things that need to get done like housework, etc.  But the calendar has helped us manage our time better and plan things better without the need of calling and texting the each other to see if they are available or not.


In conclusion, my journey is proof that no matter where you come from or what obstacles you face, you have the power to overcome them.  Work hard,  surround yourself with the right people, and never give up.  Remember, the greatest success stories often come from the most unexpected opportunities.  Thank you for listening to my story and I hope it inspires you to look for small changes that you can make on your journey to a more fulfilling life.


Coffee Break

Hi, thanks for stopping by!

There is no telling what we'll blog about next.  Whatever it is, I can assure you we will be giving you genuine Van Family anecdotes on life, marriage, fitness, raising kids, hobby farming and more.  We don't claim to be experts in any of the topics... but we do hope you get to know us, see that we have faults, make mistakes and disagree.  But we also have fun, try new things, come up with wild ideas and eat sushi 3x a week.  

Grab your favorite beverage and join us in our adventures as you read along. 

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