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No One Is Perfect

taking a break

I screwed today up and didn’t meet my goal.

It’s pointless now.

I might as well just give up.

I can’t stay committed.

I don’t have any willpower.

I’m a failure.

If you have said any of the aforementioned phrases to yourself…. You are NOT alone.  But here’s something you NEED to hear:

So what that you screwed up one day and didn’t meet your goal. 

What you’ve accomplished so far and continuing to move forward is NOT pointless.

Don’t you dare give up. 

Hiccups are part of the process and has nothing to do with your commitment. 

If you made it even one meal or one day that is proof you have willpower.

You are NOT a failure.

Sometimes we get so stuck on being perfect.  Guess what?  No one is perfect.  Every master was once a beginner.  Everyone starts somewhere.  I’m sure there are thousands of more sayings by famous athletes and successful business people that I could quote but I think you get the picture.  Don’t let one little slip up knock you into a hole.  

I thought this was an appropriate topic to cover because I slipped up this week.  Then I slipped up the next day.  Then the next….. and I realized at one point this evening I was starting to make excuses for it and convincing myself it was OK.  Which it is.  But it isn’t at the same time.  It’s OK to fall down. It’s OK to have a pity party (just keep it a short one).  But it’s NOT OK to get into a rhythm of coming up with excuses to make it alright.  That’s when you need to grab yourself by the shoulders and say, “Get back at it.  You did it before and you can do it again.  Don’t go down this road of thinking.  Focus on what you did right and use that fuel to get back on track.”  And I did exactly that.

So I thought about the past couple of days (my slip ups) and found the good. Each day, while my diet may have been WAY off and I splurged on one to many sweets and fancy coffees and alcoholic beverages and fried cheese curds (yum!) I still managed to drink one bottle of fit, one glass of greens and write a daily gratitude in my journal.  Those were a few of my January goals I set at the beginning of the year.  And one of those days, I went to the gym on a day I usually don’t go just to get some extra work in on the elliptical.  So yeah, those 3-days I did not follow my macro counting regimen but I also didn’t go too crazy.  One of the days I went to a burger place and I chose salmon and veggies.  Today I got ice cream but I asked for one scoop in a cup even though I wanted 2 big ol’ heaping scoops.  There were plenty of wins…. I just needed to focus on them.  

So that is my task for you - if you messed up, skipped a workout. Indulged in a few too many not-so-good-for-you foods or frothy beverages…. Give yourself some grace.  Tomorrow is a NEW day.  Get back on the wagon or maybe it’s off of the wagon… either way, don’t you dare give up!  You’ve got this!  


Coffee Break

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There is no telling what we'll blog about next.  Whatever it is, I can assure you we will be giving you genuine Van Family anecdotes on life, marriage, fitness, raising kids, hobby farming and more.  We don't claim to be experts in any of the topics... but we do hope you get to know us, see that we have faults, make mistakes and disagree.  But we also have fun, try new things, come up with wild ideas and eat sushi 3x a week.  

Grab your favorite beverage and join us in our adventures as you read along. 

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